Dependency Injection ​
Bunicorn includes a very simple but usefull dependency injection system.
- Full type safety
- Circular dependency support
- Easy to use
- No decorators
- Lazy loading
How to create a dependency ​
import { dependency } from "@bunicorn/server";
const appConfig = dependency(() => {
// This will be called when the dependency is requested.
return {
port: 3000,
host: "localhost",
user: "bunicorn"
const appDB = dependency(get => {
const config = get(appConfig); // This will get the appConfig dependency, that simple!
const dbUrl = `postgres://${config.user}:password@${}:5432/mydb`;
return new Database(dbUrl);
How to consume the dependency ​
const getTodosRoute = router.get("/todos", async ctx => {
const db = ctx.get(appDB); // This will get the appDB dependency
return db.todos.findMany();
Usage outside of routes ​
function globalFunction() {
const db = BunicornApp.getFromStore(appDB); // This will get the appDB dependency, it is the same as ctx.get(appDB)