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Routes ​

Route showcase ​

Create route builder. You can create as many as you want.

const rb = new Router();

GET Route ​

Check Dynamic routes for the usage of :id.


// Path: prefix/
// Method: GET
const getTodosRoute = rb.get("/", ctx => ctx.json(todos));

// Path: prefix/:id, like /prefix/1
// Method: GET
const getTodoRoute = rb.get("/:id", ctx => {
  const todo = /*Code to fetch */;
  return ctx.json(todo);

POST Route ​

// Path: prefix/
// Method: POST
const createTodoRoute = rb.input(createTodoSchema).post("/", async ctx => {
  const todo = /*Code to create */;
  return ctx.json(todo);

PATCH/PUT route ​

Check Dynamic routes for the usage of :id.

// Path: prefix/:id, like /prefix/1
// Method: PATCH
const updateTodoRoute = rb.input(updateTodoSchema).patch("/:id", async ctx => {
    const todo = /*Code to update */;
    return ctx.json(todo);

DELETE route ​

Check Dynamic routes for the usage of :id.


// Path: prefix/:id, like /prefix/1
// Method: DELETE
const deleteTodoRoute = rb.delete("/:id", async ctx => {
const todo = /*Code to delete */;
return ctx.json(todo);

Group routes ​

You can group routes together and add a prefix to them. If you don't want to add a prefix, you can just pass a slash or create a simple array.

// Now, set prefix to /todos and add it to the app
const todoRoutes = groupRoutes("/todos", [
// All routes now start with /todos, such as ->
// GET: /todos
// GET: /todos/:id
// POST: /todos


Grouped routes just add the prefix to the route path. It doesn't add any middleware or anything else. Everything is handled in the route builder.

For details, check middleware page.

Dynamic routes ​

For dynamic routes, you can simply do /:key and it will be available in the ctx.params object.

// -> It will match prefix/1, prefix/2, prefix/3, etc.
const getTodoRoute = rb.get("/:id", ctx => {
  // It is typed and validated
  const id =;
  // Return data

// -> It will match prefix/1/John/20, prefix/2/John/20, prefix/3/John/20, etc.
const manyDynamicRoute = rb.get("/:id/:name/:age", ctx => {
  // It is typed and validated
  const { id, name, age } = ctx.params;
  // Return data

Match All ​

For matching all routes, it is also very simple! Just do /...keys and it will be available in the ctx.params object.

// -> It will match /todos/a/b/c, /todos/1/2/3, /todos/1/2/3/4, etc. No limit!
const matchAllRoute = rb.get("/todos/...ids", ctx => {
  // It is typed as string[] and validated
  const keys = ctx.params.ids;
  // Return data

You can also combine dynamic routes with match all.

// For the case /todos/foo/1/2/3/bar/5
// id -> foo
// keys -> ["1", "2", "3", "bar"]
// lastId -> 5
const combinedRoute = rb.get("/todos/:id/...keys/:lastId", ctx => {
  // It is typed as string[] and validated
  const keys = ctx.params.keys;
  const { id, lastId } = ctx.params;
  // Return data


Dynamic route arguments are always string. Even if it is something like /todos/1, it will be -> "1". If it is required, you can convert it.